Pastoral Sabbatical And Announcement of Divorce

Pastoral Sabbatical And Announcement of Divorce


Pastoral Sabbatical and Announcement of Divorce

On Sunday, September 11, 2022, Pastor Shawn Shoup read a prepared statement to the church that Pastor Deanna had approached him, stating that she wanted to file for divorce. The Gateway — now Central — District of Foursquare Churches has been aware of this since January 2021 and has been providing critical-level marriage counseling, personal counseling, and care all along the way.

Please pray for Deanna, Shawn, and the kids. You are encouraged to not speak ill or spread gossip, rumors, or talk that does not build up, edify, or encourage the church or the Shoup family. Instead, let us shoulder each others burdens and lift each other up in the name of Christ.

After the announcement was made, the Council moved to place Pastor Shawn on an extended sabbatical for the purpose of self-care, healing, and time with the kids. The District paid his way to visit Foursquare’s Center for Spiritual Renewal in Christiansburg, VA, for time with Foursquare’s top certified pastoral counselor, Paul Kuzma. After visiting with Shawn in several sessions, Paul recommended that Pastor Shawn’s sabbatical be extended to a 3-month period, which was approved by the District and the local Council. That time frame is currently set through to the end of November 2022. Part of the recommendation for this time of Sabbath is not to step foot on the Destiny campus — to spend an extended time away from the role of pastor and to focus on his personal health, wholeness, and restoration.

If you want to communicate with Pastor Shawn during this time, please message his sabbath point person, Barbara Rashleigh. She will take notes and send compiled messages at agreed-upon intervals during this break.

Thank you for helping us assist our pastor in taking a step away for rest and renewal.