Leslie Keegel shares that healing power is covered in our atonement for sin by Jesus Christ, if we will minister boldly to the sick and dying. Day 17 of 21 Days of Prayer + Fasting 2019.
“And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” (James 5:15, NKJV)
Once I was returning home from a ministry trip to Amsterdam. As soon as I set foot at the Dubai, UAE, airport, I had a prompting from the Holy Spirit that there was a man dying nearby.
I asked the Lord to guide me to the man and kept walking by faith. After about 20 minutes, I saw a man seated alone on a chair with his head drooping very low. I walked up and told him that I had been told that he needed help. He said that yes, he was dying, and that he could not breathe.
I told the man not to panic, and I led him
Oh, praise God for healing us in His atonement. We must stand on the completed work of Jesus on the cross and boldly minister to the sick. We will be pleasantly surprised by what God will do in answer to our prayers (John 8:28-29).
Prayer + Reflection
1. Pray that the Lord would strengthen your faith to pray for the sick.
2. Pray that you would see many healed in your church today.
3. Thank God for His total healing and atonement, and ask Him for grace and mercy for those suffering.
- Miracle Invasion: Amazing True Stories of the Holy Spirit’s Gifts at Work Today by Dean Merrill
- Positioned for Miracles: Making Your Life an Amazing Story by Dr. Jerry Stott
- The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us by Dr. Leslie Keegel
- Doing What Jesus Did: Ministering in the Power of the Holy Spirit (Chapters 3 and 5) by John and Sonja Decker
- Doing What Jesus Did Online Course, Ministry Training Network
- Entrenamiento Ministerial Spanish Ministry
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