This school year will be like nothing our students have ever experienced. With that will come challenges, and we would like to help mitigate some of that. Join Pastors Pam, Derick, and Dyani as they look into creating a homework help group at Destiny! And also talk about possibilities for Friday tutoring and care options, for Rapid City students (who are off-campus on Fridays this year).
If you are interested in learning more about what this could potentially look like, for parents and students, you are invited to learn more and join in the discussion. For those interested in volunteering, you are also invited to attend.
Check out the Zoom link/invitation below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Pastors Derick (derick@destiny4square.org), Pam (pam@destiny4square.org), or Dyani (dyani@destiny4square.org).
Topic: Back to School Interest Meeting
Time: Thursday, Aug 20, @ 06:30 PM Mountain Time
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Meeting ID: 898 1198 6096
Passcode: homework
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